
Archive for the ‘Business’ Category

Why Companies Prefer Business Centres For Conferences?

Wednesday, September 24th, 2014

Preference of a venue for conference, meetings and seminars are slowly shifting from hotel banquets to business centres. Last few years have witnessed that Indian companies have been opting for unique solutions provided by business centres for the office space and conferences.

A thorough insight of this trend has brought some reasons into light.

–          Though hotels offer attractive interiors than business centres, they lack maintaining a business environment. Business centres are designed to meet the professional requirements of the companies. Hence, they maintain the environment accordingly. The company won’t have to take the pain of managing the space; furnishing, staffing, style formation of rooms, installing and the maintaining various facilities.


There is a business centre that provides conferencing  solutions in New Delhi offers space for offices and conference in mountain fresh ambience. People tend to fall prey to various health hazards like headaches, dizziness, nausea etc while working because of poor indoor air quality. To ensure good health and better productivity this business centre has made some efforts to resolve this. The interiors are simple, classy and professional.


–          Normally, business centres are strategically located, thereby offering a good chance of business growth and easy reach. For example, conference spaces in South Delhi are always high on demand when it comes to a conference space in Delhi as they are well connected with all the parts of Delhi NCR. Those located in the central part of Delhi also grab a lot of attention.


–          Every business centre has a team of experts to look after the arrangements of conferences, meetings, interviews and seminars. Therefore, the headache of making arrangements with the help of own workforce and organizing it becomes zero.


Clients are offered with an array of styles to select from which is based on the number of attendees, types of conferences and other requirements. Other requirements may vary from welcoming the guests to food and beverage services. Often, clients select from a variety of services like secretarial, administrative, communication, executive offices etc and customize their package. Technical support with the power back-up too is provided by the serviced offices without a single failure. Flexibility and customization is at par. A business centre works like a one-stop shop for all the conferencing requirements.


–          There are many conferencing destinations that also offer space on hot-desking services in Delhi.


–          In addition to this, many companies consider taking a space in a business centre as a matter of sophistication and an image-building exercise. Therefore, they prefer, business centres over hotels.

Every meeting, conference, seminar or training has an objective and if the arrangements are not flawless then it may become a flop show. Therefore, companies prefer organizing a conference in a serviced office or a business centre as the organizer gets a professional conference venue which serves the purpose and enhances the productivity of the event without crinkling a wrinkle.

How About A Green Kitchen?

Wednesday, September 17th, 2014

Have you ever wondered that an office building requires a green kitchen?

Even if yours is a green office that takes care of environment in a meticulous way but the kitchen is left out then the effectiveness of the efforts of going green lowers down.

Kitchen is a place from which a huge percentage of air pollutants and waste get released.

You may ask the following questions to the concerned departments about the kitchen @your office.

–          Are the appliances that are used in the kitchen BEE 5 – Star rated?

These days, most of the serviced offices in India are using energy-efficient appliances as they now understand the benefits of using such products.

–          Are these appliances checked at regular interval of time?

There is a huge difference between procuring appliances and maintaining them. If they are not maintained properly then their performance level will degrade. Various business centres in India take this seriously but many don’t. An inefficient appliance would consume more energy and release more pollutants further heating up the room and increasing the use of air-conditioners and ultimately leading to high energy bills.

–          Are the raw materials tested as per their specific requirements before they are used? And whether the food is prepared properly or not.

There is a business centre that offers meeting rooms in India in mountain fresh ambience, provides nearly organic and healthy food. They use ground spices and materials that are devoid of preservatives, MSGs and transfats. Water is another important criterion. You must check the quality of water supplied to the kitchen and whether RO water is used for washing vegetables and fruits and preparing food.

–          Which tiles are used inside the kitchen?

These days, you get low VOCs and bacteria free tiles that enhance the green and health quotient. Such tiles are said to reflect heat allowing the temperature inside the rooms to be cooler. In fact one must also check the kind of paints used in the kitchen. Paint and polishing chemicals are likely to emit a good amount of VOCs.

–          Which chemicals are used for the cleaning the kitchen and storage area?

Green seal certified housekeeping chemicals should be used for cleaning as they are not harmful to the environment. Non-toxic, bio-degradable and plant-based detergents are easily available in the market.

7 Ways To Keep Your Workplace Healthy And Active

Friday, September 12th, 2014

On an average, people spend 8-9 hours a day at work. This duration feeds on the most active part of the day, when a person’s mind is fresh after a good sleep and energy level is high. However, the energy level and the activeness start decreasing once the day starts moving forward. Then one is attacked by physical woes like headache, back pain, eye irritation, nausea, drowsiness and more. Certainly, these woes hamper the productivity levels and snatch life out of work.

Hence, it is necessary to take some measures to ensure that the workplace is healthy and active.

Here are some tips to make it possible.

–       Start with your desk. A clutter free desk makes the user’s mind free. Clean it up regularly. Don’t miss the cupboards and drawers. Categorize and arrange your things so that everything looks organized.


–       Dump the used paper or polythene sheets. Take the help of office support services to manage such dry waste in an eco-friendly manner.


–       Adjust the height of your chair according to the height of the table and laptop. Keep sufficient space for your hands and documents. There is a business centre that provides office space on rent in New Delhi, and has designed the interiors ergonomically. Every seat is attached with a backrest so that the users are able to maintain proper posture while working.


–       Take a look at the walls around your cubicles. Think of decorating them in a simple and innovative way. Use calendars that have motivational quotes; keep a board to pen down your ideas; paste the photographs of the event or award ceremony you have attended – think of other ways. There are many ready to move in offices that use soft boards on the desks to pin some funny pictures and posters for entertainment. Many also use TFT monitors to run live sports shows, matches, news etc.


Use vibrant colours as they not only add positivity to the environment but also illuminate the space reducing strain on eyes.


–       Keep a small green plant on your desk. Plants are known to produce oxygen and detoxify the indoor air. You tend to stay active and fresh because of them. Get some air-purifying plants that are available in the market.


–       Take a short break every two hours to either rest in the rest room or do some stretching exercises while sitting at your desk. Your muscles will be at ease. Most of the time problems related to health like headache, nausea etc occur due to poor air quality. The level of CO2 increases in a closed place like office where people and devices like AC work for hours.


During break time get up from your seat and take a small stroll to your compatible group’s place. Join them for discussions and fun. Well, don’t forget to keep a watch on your time.

Business Centres Provide Effective Workplace Solutions

Friday, August 29th, 2014

It does not matter whether yours is a start-up or an established business centre; business centres provide flexible and cost-effective workplace solutions for every size and kind of businesses.

Why preferring business centres would be a smart choice?

Well, the answer would be:

–          No capital expenditure. You don’t have to spend setting up a new space. Ideally, an office space requires workforce for the maintenance, resources to manage the operations, devices, connectivity, security system and more. With the business centres, you don’t have to bother about these things as you get furnished offices.

–          Like a ready-to-eat meal, business centres offer space with state-of-the-art amenities and other facilities. You won’t to worry about the cleaning, housekeeping and maintenance, and security of the facility. These will be taken care by the business centres. Hence, you save time & money.

–          You get a good location as an advantage of associating with a business centre in addition to the professional environment.

–          There are many who also offer conference, training and meeting rooms in India, in the same facility.

If one is planning a foray into the Indian market then one can give a thought to those business centres in India that provide such a composite package as it will add to the convenience.

–          Business centres that offer serviced offices in India also offer space with a range of creative presentations. From interiors to the hospitality. You’ll get to see a reflection of the culture and tradition. A perfect example would be the paintings and sculptures placed in the lounges, reception hall and in other rooms. You also get to see a team of females in traditional attire like saree to welcome your guests. This entire presentation adds to the feel-good factor of the client. Wouldn’t you like to work in such a place?

–          The best part is you get flexibility of size and term at affordable prices.

With all these advantages coming your way, why not prefer business centres and take a smart step?

What Are The Advantages Of Having A Library at Office?

Saturday, August 23rd, 2014

It’s a myth that library is a place where a lot of books from different sources and of different subjects are kept. The fact is library is a platform for enlarging the scope of knowledge and brainstorming with a lot of ideas. It is a section of the building where silence is the most important element next to the willing reader. They are not meant only for the schools and colleges. Offices too have them.

Why should an office have a library?

Library belts out a lot of advantages. Some of them are:

–          It welcomes the readers to open up their minds and add to their knowledge store. An office library contains more of magazines and books related to management, business, economy, skill enhancement, computers, engineering, annual reports in addition to those on life style and entertainment.

–          It is like a one-shop stop for different journals and newspapers. You will find an array of them.

–          It motivates you keep up the habit of reading which further leads to enhancement of vocabulary too.

–          No other part of the office is as calm and peaceful like a library.

–          The best part is if you want to read a topic later on during leisure, while travelling or while at home etc then you can issue it or photocopy the pages by using office support services. It saves your work time and interest.

Business centres have also started taking the concept of adding a library to their building, seriously. In fact in India, there are many business centres that provide office Space on Rent in New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and other metro cities also have dedicated a section for library cum reading lounge.

Due to unavailability of space, many serviced offices have not yet introduced a section for the library. In such a scenario, the concept of a mini library would gel well. It refers to a tall and sleek rack of books that can be kept on every floor. If a building is of 5 levels than 5-6 tall racks can be accommodated in them. The concept of personalized online library is quite efficient for the ready to move in offices that fall short of space. Employees can enter the website by using their employee code, and then read the book online after selecting it. It seems viable.

The main idea is to make the employee more efficient, knowledgeable and creative.